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Virginia L. Roebuck Massage Therapist

Virginia Roebuck of Loosen Up Therapeutics is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), and a graduate of a 1000-hour program at Finger Lake School of Massage. With over 25 years of experience she provides therapeutic massage in Ridgefield CT with an emphasis on promoting health and healing, assisting in releasing tension and stress, restoring ease of movement, and helping clients develop a calmer and more focused mind.

Clients benefit from Virginia's additional years studying exercise science and therapeutic movement such as Qi Gong, Yamuna Body Rolling, and Yoga. Ms. Roebuck is a certified personal trainer, accredited by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Virginia uses her discerning visual sense along with her collective training to gather information about movement and muscular holding patterns to aid in developing an individualized therapeutic plan.

In addition to providing therapeutic massage therapy, Virginia will consult with your physical therapist or your personal trainer to assist you in your journey to optimal health.

Call (203) 733-8687

email: virginia@loosenuptherapeutics.com

What People Say about Virginia Roebuck

"Virginia is a phenomenal massage therapist! I've been seeing her for years and each time she helps me and my body. Just recently she worked on my lower back after I injured it and has been instrumental in its healing. I highly recommend Virginia whether you want a relaxing treat or a deep-tissue massage for specific issues!" - Kate

"I have been going to Virginia Roebuck at Loosen Up Therapeutics for about 15 years. I find the experience to be very therapeutic, professional, compassionate and intuitive. Her ability to zero in on the problem area and provide relief is amazing. I have reccommended her frequently." - Bonnie

"Virginia is absolutely wonderful! The penultimate professional. Wonderful facility - clean, comfortable and very relaxing. She's been excellent working with me - as well as my husband in providing massage therapy for the past several years! Highly recommend her services." - Diane

"Top 3 qualities that I benefit from are: Virginia has a detailed knowlege of anatomy. Secondly, Virginia is not in a rush. She is calm and deliberate, totally focused on me for the hour I was there. Third, she has helped me change some habits of movement and body usage that were contributing to my discomfort and clearly could have lead to chonic issues." - Pat

CT LICENSE #000772

NY LICENSE #030938-1